What is a Testamentary Discretionary Trust?
Given that is an inevitable reality we all face, estate planning is an issue that affects everyone. The most common type of succession plan is a simple wi…
Understanding Different Types of Trusts
Trusts are used by people as a means to run a business, plan their finances, provide for the future of their families, or to invest. In plain terms, a tru…
What You Need to Know About SMSF Trust Deed and 13.22 c Unit Trusts
When it comes to wealth generation and retirement planning, utilization of superannuation should always be at the top of your priorities. This is because…
What is a total superannuation balance? – A summary of Law Companion Ruling 2016/12DC
What is Law Companion Ruling 2016/12DC? Law Companion Ruling 2016/12DC (‘LCR 2016/12DC’) provides guidance in determining an individual’s total superannua…
First Home Super Saver Scheme
Introduced to assist first home buyers, the First home super saver (FHSS) scheme allows individuals to save for their first home inside of their superannu…
Downsizer Contribution, Is It Right for You?
The Australian Government has recently introduced measures that are intended to ease pressures on housing affordability. One of these measures is the down…