Discretionary Trusts

Discretionary Family Trust, Investment Trust & Testamentary Trust

It is little known that there are four categories of Discretionary Trusts, each with a different risk profile.

Discretionary trusts can be used for a number of purposes – you could have an  be active discretionary trading trust, a passive discretionary investment trust or discretionary family trust holding assets to pass wealth down generations outside of a will or a will  with a testamentary discretionary trust.

The proper, customised structuring of a discretionary trust is vital to ensure a family’s objectives are properly achieved – things such as the choice of the trustee and appointor, the description of the classes of beneficiaries, the ability to exclude foreign beneficiaries in some circumstances, and giving wide variation powers are key in advising in this quite difficult area.

For a conversation with an experienced discretionary trust lawyer in Sydney or via online, please contact us. Read more information on Self-Managed Super Fund Trusts or Unit Trusts.

Get in touch with our team to learn more.